
 百科知识大全   2024-02-27 19:31   175 views 人阅读  0 条评论


  adj.固定的; 不变的; 不能变的; 不易改变的; 执著的; 呆板的

  v.使固定; 安装; 决定,确定(日期、时间、数量等); 安排; 组织





  固定的;不变的;不能变的staying the same; not changing or able to be changed

  fixed prices固定价格

  a fixed rate of interest固定利率

  people living on fixed incomes 靠固定收入生活的人们

  The money has been invested for a fixed period .这笔款项已作定期投资。

  不易改变的;执著的held very firmly; not easily changed

  My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become.父母对我应该成为什么样的人有定见。

  呆板的;不变的not changing and not sincere

  He greeted all his guests with a fixed smile on his face.他对所有的客人都以他的一贯笑容相迎。


  ADJ 固定的;不变的You use fixed to describe something which stays the same and does not or cannot vary.They issue a fixed number of shares that trade publicly...他们发行一定数量的可公开交易的股票。

  ...a world without fixed laws...没有固定法规的世界

  Tickets will be printed with fixed entry times...票面上将印有固定的入场时间。

  Many restaurants offer fixed-price menus.很多餐馆都提供价格固定的菜单。

  ADJ-GRADED (观念或看法)顽固的,固执的,一成不变的If you say that someone has fixed ideas or opinions, you mean that they do not often change their ideas and opinions, although perhaps they should....people who have fixed ideas about things.对事物看法一成不变的人

  ADJ (笑容)僵硬的,呆板的,皮笑肉不笑的If someone has a fixed smile on their face, they are smiling even though they do not feel happy or pleased.I had to go through the rest of the evening with a fixed smile on my face.晚会剩下的时间里,我只好脸上挂着一副僵硬的笑容。

  See also: They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address... He's of no fixed abode and we found him on the streets. fix


  I paid £ 80 to have my car radio fixed and I bet all they did was change a fuse 我花80英镑让人把我车上的收音机修了修,可我敢肯定,他们只是换了根保险丝。

  He fixed the towing cradle round the hull. 他把牵引支架固定在船体上。

  The doctor fixed the rib, dosed him heavily with drugs, and said he would probably get better 医生接好了肋骨,给他服用了大剂量的药,并说他可能会有所好转。

  It is fixed on the wall 它固定在墙上。

  He fixed a bayonet to the end of his rifle. 他在步枪口上安好了刺刀。

  The date of the election was fixed 选举日期定下来了。

  The prices of milk and cereals are fixed annually. 牛奶和谷类食物的价格每年确定一次。

  I've fixed it for you to see Bonnie Lachlan 你去见邦尼·拉克伦的事我已经安排好了。

  It's fixed. He's going to meet us at the airport 已经安排好了,他会在机场接我们。

  He vanished after you fixed him with a job 你给他安排好工作后他就突然不见了。

  We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters 我们安排了该工作组参观我们的总部。

  If something is broken, we get it fixed. 如果什么东西坏了,我们就找人来修理。

  The debate seems, in retrospect, to have been fixed from the beginning. 回想起来,这场辩论好像从一开始就被人操纵了。

  I fixed up an appointment to see her 我安排了与她见面。

  They issue a fixed number of shares that trade publicly 他们发行一定数量的可公开交易的股票。

  Tickets will be printed with fixed entry times 票面上将印有固定的入场时间。

  I had to go through the rest of the evening with a fixed smile on my face. 晚会剩下的时间里,我只好脸上挂着一副僵硬的笑容。

  They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address 因为居无定所,他们无法得到工作面试的机会。

  He's of no fixed abode and we found him on the streets. 他居无定所,我们发现他流落街头。

  People's lifestyles are usually fixed by generational habits and fashions. 人们的生活方式通常取决于那一代的生活习惯和流行时尚。

  I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed 补牙可能对我有好处。

  Do we still have any fixed point of reference in the teaching of English? 我们在英语教学上还有固定不变的参考标准吗?

  The job was for a fixed term and the contract is not being renewed. 这个工作有固定期限,而且合同不能续签。

  Each bracket is fixed to the wall with just three screws. 每个托架只用了3颗螺钉固定在墙上。

  With this type of camera, the shutter speed is fixed 对这类相机而言,快门的速度是固定的。

  There are fixed times for study and for work. 学习、工作都有一定的时间。

  Everything has been fixed in advance. 一切都是事先确定好了的。

  Tell him we've fixed it all up. 告诉他,一切我们都安排好了。

  Can you get my bicycle fixed? 你能把我的自行车弄好吗?

  Has the departure date been fixed? 起程的日期定了吗?



  how are you, etc. fixed (for sth)?

  你有多少…;你…的安排如何used to ask how much of sth a person has, or to ask about arrangements

  How are you fixed for cash?你有多少现金?

  How are we fixed for Saturday (=have we arranged to do anything) ?星期六我们是怎么安排的?

  淡定天下 2023-01-09 17:06:31




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