
 百科知识大全   2024-03-06 19:30   222 views 人阅读  0 条评论


  adj.符合的; 相应的; 相关的

  v.相一致; 符合; 类似于; 相当于; 通信





  符合的;相应的;相关的matching or connected with sth that you have just mentioned

  A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.货币供应量的改变随即引起支出的相应改变。

  Profits have risen by 15 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.与去年同期相比利润增长了15%。

  Give each picture a number corresponding to its position on the page.按所在页面位置给每一幅画编上相对应的号码。

  The Redskins lost to the Cowboys in the corresponding game last year.在去年类似的一场比赛中红人队输给了牛仔队。


  V-RECIP 相类似;相关;相对应If one thing corresponds to another, there is a close similarity or connection between them. You can also say that two things correspond .Racegoers will be given a number which will correspond to a horse running in a race...观看赛马比赛的观众将获得一个与某一匹赛马相对应的号码。

  A 22 per cent increase in car travel corresponds with a 19 per cent drop in cycle mileage per person...乘车出行者的比率上升了22%,与之相对应,人均骑自行车的行驶里程下降了19%。

  The two maps of London correspond closely...这两张伦敦地图很相似。

  Her expression is concerned but her body-language does not correspond.她满脸关切之情,但她的肢体语言并非如此。

  V-RECIP (与…)通信If you correspond with someone, you write letters to them. You can also say that two people correspond .She still corresponds with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago...她仍与9年前在马略卡岛结识的美国朋友们通信。

  We corresponded regularly.我们定期通信。


  If the note of D is sounded on a harp, all the corresponding D strings of other octaves will likewise resonate. 如果用竖琴演奏D音符,其他八度音阶所有相应的D弦都将发出共鸣。

  There is an increase in production of 20% above that of the corresponding period of last year. 产量比去年同期增加20%。

  What we required you to do is corresponding to the contract. 我们要你做的事情符合合同的规定。

  Peculiarities in the silkworm are known to appear at the corresponding caterpillar or cocoon stage. 蚕体的性状,亦限于相当的幼虫期或蛹期出现。

  It has name corresponding to the facts. 它有着与事实相符的名称。

  Once we have the scale, we can set up a corresponding relationship between a crime and a punishment, and avoid sentence unbalance to the most extent. 有了犯罪梯度,我们就可以将犯罪与刑罚建立对应联系,最大程度地避免量刑上的畸轻畸重。

  Exports for the first three months are larger by20 percent than those for the corresponding period of last year. 今年第一季度的出口比去年同期增长20%。

  All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities. 一切权利都带有与之相应的责任。

  Thus the directions that emerge for extremizing the normal stress are the directions corresponding to the principal stresses. 因此,产生最大正应力的方向就是相应于主应力的方向。

  This takes place automatically when the corresponding quality of service is enabled in the source and target service. 当在源和目标服务中启用相应的服务品质时将自动进行此操作。

  The UML property should have the same name as its corresponding C# event. UML属性应该和其相应的C事件有相同的名称。

  This displays the corresponding machine type, model number, and serial number. 这显示相应的机器类型、型号和序列号。

  For every model and controller you create, corresponding test stubs are created. 对于您创建的每个模型和控制器,都会创建对应的测试存根。

  The configuration data enumerates allowed values and the corresponding human readable descriptions. 配置数据枚举允许的值和相应的人员可读性描述。

  This will be adding the project to the component that you choose in the corresponding workspace and stream. 这将会向您在相应工作区与流程中所选择的构件添加项目。

  Two new verdicts have been added for manual execution with corresponding support for points. 已经使用相应的支持点为手动执行添加了两个新定论。

  A new Web project and a corresponding EAR project are created in the project explorer. 于是,一个新的Web项目和一个相应的EAR项目就在项目资源管理器中被创建出来了。

  The table below summarizes several fine-grained update scenarios and the corresponding recycle behavior. 下表总结了几个细粒度更新场景和对应的回收行为。

  This section outlines this heuristic knowledge and the corresponding business rule implementation. 本节将概括介绍这种知识和相应的业务规则实现。

  This document is broken down into the different levels of integration and the corresponding tips and techniques. 本文分为不同层次的集成,以及相应的技巧和技术。

  These two activities outline the approach to use to model business processes and the corresponding use cases. 这两个活动概括了用来为业务过程和相应的用例建模的方法。

  Each of those tiers will have a corresponding node and server. 每个层都将有一个对应节点和服务器。

  Finally, each call is listed with its corresponding request and verification point. 最后,每一个调用都与它相应的请求和验证点被列出。

  The code below shows the ActiveRecord migrations for the application and the corresponding model classes. 下面的代码显示了ActiveRecord向应用程序和对应模型类上迁移的过程。

  In a more complex system, more specialized lookup views and corresponding find methods may be needed. 在更复杂的系统中,可能需要更专门的查找视图和相应的find方法。

  Table 2 shows the fields and RDF mappings corresponding to the project resource type. 表2给出了对应于project资源类型的字段和RDF映射。

  To do this, call the corresponding method in the Model class. 为此,可调用Model类中相应的方法。

  This technique allows you to explicitly define the keys and their corresponding values. 这种技术允许显式地定义键和与其对应的值。

  Identify the configuration type and the corresponding attributes. 确认配置类型和相应的属性。

  A public key ( id_rsa. pub) and the corresponding private key ( id_rsa) have been created. 现在已创建了公钥(和对应的私钥(idrsa)。




  all rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities

  conforming in every respect

  boxes with corresponding dimensions

  the like period of the preceding year


  similar especially in position or purpose

  a number of corresponding diagonal points

  坚信自已 2023-01-09 17:04:08




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