
 百科知识大全   2023-06-22 22:21   207 views 人阅读  0 条评论


  adj.中等的; 中号的

  n.(传播信息的)媒介; 手段; 工具; 方法; (文艺创作中使用的)材料,形式




  中等的;中号的in the middle between two sizes, amounts, lengths, temperatures, etc.

  a medium-size car/business/town 中型汽车 / 企业;中等城镇

  a man of medium height/build 中等身材的人

  There are three sizes─small, medium and large.有三种尺寸——小号、中号和大号。

  Cook over a medium heat for 15 minutes.用中火煮15分钟。

  a medium dry white wine中度干白葡萄酒

  Choose medium to large tomatoes.选取中到大个的西红柿。


  (传播信息的)媒介,手段,方法a way of communicating information, etc. to people

  the medium of radio/television 广播 / 电视媒介

  electronic/audio-visual media 电子 / 视听媒体

  Television is the modern medium of communication .电视是现代传媒。

  A T-shirt can be an excellent medium for getting your message across.T恤衫可以成为一种极好的表达信息的媒介。

  手段;工具;方法something that is used for a particular purpose

  English is the medium of instruction (=the language used to teach other subjects) .用英语进行教学。

  Video is a good medium for learning a foreign language.录像是一种学习外语的好方法。

  (文艺创作中使用的)材料,形式the material or the form that an artist, a writer or a musician uses

  the medium of paint/poetry/drama 绘画 / 诗歌 / 戏剧的媒介

  Watercolour is his favourite medium.水彩画是他最喜欢的表现方式。

  介质;培养基;环境a substance that sth exists or grows in or that it travels through

  The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium.细菌在糖基中生长。

  通灵的人;灵媒;巫师a person who claims to be able to communicate with the spirits of dead people


  The plural of the noun can be either mediums or media for meanings 4 and 5. The form mediums is the plural for meaning 6. 义项4和义项5的复数形式为 mediums 或 media。义项6的复数形式是 mediums。

  ADJ 中等的;中间的;中号的If something is of medium size, it is neither large nor small, but approximately half way between the two.A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours...中等剂量几小时之内会引发严重的恶心。

  He was of medium height with blond hair and light blue eyes.他中等身材,金发碧眼。

  ADJ 中间的;平均的You use medium to describe something which is average in degree or amount, or approximately half way along a scale between two extremes.Foods that contain only medium levels of sodium are bread, cakes, milk, butter and margarine.含钠量仅为中等水平的食物有面包、蛋糕、牛奶、黄油和人造黄油。

  ...a sweetish, medium-strength beer.中度甜啤酒

  Medium is also an adverb.

  Cook under a medium-hot grill.在热度适中的烤架下烹制。

  COMB in COLOUR (颜色)不深不浅的,适中的If something is of a medium colour, it is neither light nor dark, but approximately half way between the two.Andrea has medium brown hair, grey eyes and very pale skin...安德烈娅有着深浅适中的棕发、灰色的眼睛和十分白皙的皮肤。

  When violet is added to the medium blue a particularly striking, warm coloration is created.在中蓝色中加入蓝紫色就形成了一种格外鲜艳夺目的暖色。

  N-COUNT (表现)方式;(交流)手段A medium is a way or means of expressing your ideas or of communicating with people.In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education...在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。

  But Artaud was increasingly dissatisfied with film as a medium.但是阿尔托对电影这种表现方式越来越不满。

  N-COUNT 媒介;介质;媒介物A medium is a substance or material which is used for a particular purpose or in order to produce a particular effect.Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body...血液是将氧气输送到人体各个部位的媒介。

  Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法,那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。

  (自称能够在死者与生者之间传递信息的)巫师,灵媒A medium is a person who claims to be able to contact and speak to people who are dead, and to pass messages between them and people who are still alive.

  See also: media

  PHRASE 中庸之道;折中办法If you strike or find a happy medium between two extreme and opposite courses of action, you find a sensible way of behaving that is somewhere between the two extremes.I still aim to strike a happy medium between producing football that's worth watching and getting results...我仍致力于打造这样一种球风——既具观赏性,又能得分,两全其美。

  It's very difficult to strike a happy medium and make it right for everybody.找到皆大欢喜的折中办法颇有难度。


  He's described as around thirty years old, six feet tall and of medium build 他被描述成一个30岁左右、6英尺高、中等身材的人。

  He used the medium of radio when he wanted to enlist public support or reassure the citizenry 他利用广播媒介来获得公众支持或安定民心。

  I would class my garden as medium in size 我的花园只能算是中等大小。

  Choose a soft, medium or firm mattress to suit their individual needs. 针对他们各人不同的需要挑选柔软、软硬适中或者坚硬的床垫。

  He was a man of medium height. 他是个中等个子的男子。

  A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours 中等剂量几小时之内会引发严重的恶心。

  He was of medium height with blond hair and light blue eyes. 他中等身材,金发碧眼。

  Foods that contain only medium levels of sodium are bread, cakes, milk, butter and margarine. 含钠量仅为中等水平的食物有面包、蛋糕、牛奶、黄油和人造黄油。

  Andrea has medium brown hair, grey eyes and very pale skin 安德烈娅有着深浅适中的棕发、灰色的眼睛和十分白皙的皮肤。

  In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education 在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。

  But Artaud was increasingly dissatisfied with film as a medium. 但是阿尔托对电影这种表现方式越来越不满。

  Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body 血液是将氧气输送到人体各个部位的媒介。

  Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint. 海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法,那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。

  I still aim to strike a happy medium between producing football that's worth watching and getting results 我仍致力于打造这样一种球风——既具观赏性,又能得分,两全其美。

  It's very difficult to strike a happy medium and make it right for everybody. 找到皆大欢喜的折中办法颇有难度。

  With a nice dark colour, the wine is medium to full bodied 这种葡萄酒色泽深暗悦目,是中等浓郁至浓香型的。

  An employee sold him on the notion that cable was the medium of the future 一名雇员让他认识到有线电视是未来的传播媒介。

  In the medium term the UK car industry has a brighter outlook. 从中期来看,英国汽车行业前景将会更好。

  Mitchell is well built, of medium height, with a dark complexion. 米切尔体格健壮,中等个头,肤色黝黑。

  Money is a medium for buying and selling. 钱是用来买卖的一种媒介。

  The magazine becomes a cultural medium of intercourse between the two peoples. 该杂志成为两民族间文化交流的媒介。

  Through the medium of the Syrians Greek culture penetrated Persia. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。

  The store sells big ones, small ones, medium ones, or what have you. 那家商店卖大号的、小号的、中号的,应有尽有。

  You must try to strike a happy medium. 你必须设法采取折衷的态度。

  There has to be a medium between good and bad. 中间状态介于好与坏之间。

  Water is the natural medium in which most fish live. 水是鱼类生活的自然环境。

  He has a medium body. 他有一个中等的身材。

  The digital medium does mean shooting costs are substantially lowered, but equipment and accessory costs can be still high. 存储媒介确实很大程度上降低了摄影的开支,但是器材和配件的费用依旧很高。

  This is an effective medium. 这是一种有效手段。



  average adj. 中等的,适中的


  〔例证〕They have an average-sized backyard.他们的后院中等大小。She is in her early thirties and of average height.她30岁出头,中等个儿。

  median adj. 中间的


  〔例证〕a median point/price中点/中等价位The median age of that group is 36.那组的中间年龄为36岁。

  medium adj. 中等的


  〔例证〕medium depth/height中等深度/身材This cloth is of medium quality.这种布质量平平。The red cap is of a medium size.那顶红色的帽子是中号的。Fry the fish over a medium heat.用中火炸这条鱼。



  in the long/short/medium term

  长 / 短 / 中期内used to describe what will happen a long, short, etc. time in the future

  Such a development seems unlikely, at least in the short term (=it will not happen for quite a long time). 发生这样的情况看来可能性不大,起码短期之内应当如此。


  a/the happy medium

  折中办法something that is in the middle between two choices or two ways of doing sth



  an occupation for which you are especially well suited

  in law he found his true metier


  an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication

  a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information

  (usually plural) transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public

  Synonym:mass medium

  the surrounding environment

  fish require an aqueous medium

  someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead

  he consulted several mediums


  a state that is intermediate between extremes

  a happy medium

  an intervening substance through which something is achieved

  the dissolving medium is called a solvent

  (bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms

  Synonym:culture medium

  (biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed

  a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter


  (meat) cooked until there is just a little pink meat inside

  around the middle of a scale of evaluation

  an orange of average size

  intermediate capacity

  medium bombers


  暮歌 2023-01-10 16:03:38




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